Living life well: How to create the life youā€™ve always wanted for yourself and your family

Discover a step by step process that allows you to live life as a work of art, not a chaotic response to circumstance


Well hello there

Let me tell you all about Living Life Well and why it might be just the right choice for you!


If you feel like life is happening to you instead of you making it happen...

then this course is for you. I know you have so much on your plate right now, and you are so grateful but sometimes it all just feels a little overwhelming. Do you constantly feel like you are just trying to catch up? Each day you wake up with a mind full of everything that needs to get done. You are doing your best to balance family, your career, managing your household  and still have time to do some of the things you love that make you, you. You know this crazy season won’t last forever, but you want to make the most of the time you have with your kids and still not lose your identity in amidst all the chaos of keeping things going. 


Do you go to bed at night feeling exhausted, guilty and overwhelmed for the balls you’ve dropped...

For the times you yelled at your kids because you were so stressed out? For the laundry that is still lying piled up all over the house? Like the things that really matter end up on a list for “maybe someday.” You have dreams for your family. You have a mental image of how you want your home to look and feel. You have hopes for getting the healthy body and mind you’ve always longed for. You have dreams for your career.


Wouldnā€™t it be amazing to wake up each day with a battle strategy?

 How would it feel to have a clear, intentional process that allows you to fit in all the tasks you want, need and are expected to do every day?  Wouldn’t it be great to start the day clear in your mind about what is most important to you and a plan of how to fit it all in. How would it feel to know exactly what to do and how to do it to make your life run smoothly? How would it feel to have coping skills in place to manage when things do get tricky? To end each day feeling grateful and satisfied, even on the days that don’t go exactly according to plan. 


This 8 week online course will guide you through a process that will help you set up systems in several key areas: your head, your home, your heart and your health.  


Hi I'm Jess

I have worked as an occupational therapist in the field of mental health for 13 years. Occupational therapists help people to do what they need and want to do. We help those we work with to figure out what is most important to them and then figure out the what, when and how of making it happen.

In 2006 I graduated with a BSc in occupational therapy. In 2012 I earned my masters degree in occupational therapy in psychiatry. In 2013 I wrote a chapter in the textbook “Enabling positive change: coaching conversations in occupational therapy,” where I detailed how the first version of this course combined the skills of life coaching and occupational therapy to help people change their lives. In 2017 I completed my training in sensory intelligence. 


This background has given me the skills to analyse what motivates people to act, when necessary to change, and to maintain these positive changes over time. I also have an in-depth understanding of how the sensory system plays a role in regulating us and allowing us to function optimally to be efficient and effective. I love to share easy to apply strategies that allow people to make small changes and get big results.

Throughout my career I have worked with people who have faced enormous challenges and been able to transform their lives in the face of addiction, mental illness, and challenging life circumstances. 

If they can do it, so can you




But I am not just an occupational therapist. I am also a wife and a mom to two gorgeous little boys, 18 months apart. I know what its like to try and balance my family and my work, and run a home that nurtures us all. Our lives have also had their difficulties. My little boy was born with some medical challenges and as a result we have spent many, many months in hospital. I know that life can sometimes throw us a curve ball. And I know first hand that when we have invested in creating a life that feeds our souls, we are better able to cope when these bumps in the road come. I have put all of this experience, both personal and professional, into a framework which I would love to share with you through this course.




What are people saying about the course?

"With 5 children under 5, including a set of triplet babies, my time is precious and very limited. However, after quite a few major stressors had arisen last year, I knew I had to do something to survive what I had been going through. I wasn't sure I would have the time or interest to do Living Life Well properly, but it was a lifeline and I decided to take it! Needless to say, I was awesomely surprised by it! The bite-sized information and challenge sessions were short enough to manage daily yet long enough to convey a wealth of knowledge and keep me interested. The homework was really easy to understand and do, however, it also served its purpose in pulling me into the course material and allowing me to make it practical and achievable in day-to-day living. It allowed me to critically look at my thoughts, habits, emotions, physical surroundings and relationships and it enabled me to make conscious choices to better my life. I have started making life-changing decisions in what we eat, how we live and what we think. Jess is a fantastic facilitator. She kept us interested, involved in each other's projects and ideas and frequently challenged me to do better. Living Life Well was the best possible choice in a time of sorrow. Not only did it help me survive, it taught me how to LIVE again. I have already started recommending it to friends! "

Mom of five under five

Sound like you could benefit from this course?

Click on each of the headings to find out more about the content we we will be covering in each module

Module 1: learn all about the fundamentals and apply them to your own life

What are your values? What is most important to you? What is the anatomy of a habit? How do we make good habits stick and phase out those that do not serve us? What makes us do what we do and how do we leverage what we do each day to create who we are and who we want to be?

This module is all about mindset. How to you change your mind? Everything that we do and are comes from what and how we think. In this module I will help you assess your thought processes and make any necessary changes. I will help you create a strategy to manage all the incoming information that flies at us each day through social media and be selective about what you are feeding yourself

Home: In this module I will show you how to create and sustain a home environment that nurtures you and your family. Somewhere that sends you out into the world feeling confident and calm. Somewhere that welcomes you home each day and allows you to rest and restore yourself. Somewhere where you can carry out all the activities that are most important to you. I will teach you how to apply sensory strategies to align what your individual system craves with how your home looks and feels to optimise your function. 

In this module we will cover the relationships in your life. First and foremost we will look at your relationship with yourself. How are you nurturing your emotional wellbeing?  I will teach you how to store up resources so that you have coping mechanisms in place when you need them most. I will encourage you to be intentional about how you invest in your most important relationships on a regular basis, and teach you some practical strategies to do this.

 Health: In this module I will show you how to manage your physical health in a way that reduces the need for self-discipline. We will cover how to make the right decisions automatic and the wrong ones easy to avoid by creating an environment that is optimised for your wellbeing.  I will show you how to put systems in place so that including movement and nutritious eating do not feel onerous. 

In this module we will put  together everything we have learnt in a battle strategy:

How to structure your day

How to structure your week

And how to get back on track when things go wrong

So what will purchasing Living Life Well get you?

Daily video content



More than 35 bite size videos to take you step by step through the process! 



A workbook to apply what you're learning


A beautifully designed PDF workbook with summaries f the content we are covering and action steps you can take for every single lesson so that you can apply what you are learning

Access to a supportive community


You will have access to a Facebook group where you can hold yourself accountable to your fellow course participants, share your progress and cheer each other on!


Ask me anything



Well almost anything! I will be jumping on weekly Facebook lives where you can ask me any specific questions about the content we will be covering

""I thoroughly recommend the Living Life Well. The course is backed by excellent state of the art up to date OT theory, whilst at the same time packed full of down to earth practical pointers. It can be life changing in areas where you had not before considered changing. I thoroughly encourage you dip in and find out for yourself, small changes certainly can improve our well being.""

Teacher, mom and empty-nester

"Living Life Well aims to encourage intentional living and that is exactly what it has achieved for me. It has had a real impact on my thoughts, my habits, my relationships in line with my own personal values. I've been able to implement positive change and feel equipped to continue to do so. I'm using principles from LLW in my work and home life and would recommend this course to anyone who is motivated to live an intentional life that reflects their own values! "

Physiotherapist and mom

The course kicks off on 18 February 2019

Applications close on 16 February 2019 at midnight! I will only be running it four times this year so sign up now so you don't miss out!










The first three people to sign up will get a 45 minute individual coaching session with me valued at $100 absolutely free! You can use the session at any point during the time you are completing the course

I know that if you do the work, this course is going to change you life, but if you are not 100% satisfied let me know in the first 2 weeks and I will give you a full refund, no questions asked



Frequently Asked Questions

I would strongly suggest that you stick with us so we can do the work together and cheer each other on, but I know sometimes life gets in the way so you can catch up in your own time if you fall behind or skip ahead if you are a super keen type!

If after two weeks you are not satisfied let me know and I will refund you no questions asked. No risk! Awesome rewards!

There are six modules and over 30 lessons which we cover over a period of 8 weeks

Videos range between 5 and 18 minutes. Each lesson comes with a homework assignment which will take you between 10 and 20 minutes to complete. So budget on an average of about 20 minutes a day, sometimes a little shorter, sometimes a little longer 

Don't worry you have lifetime access so if life gets in the way you can come back and access the content at any time

The course costs $197. The first 3 people to sign up will get a free 45 minute coaching session with me worth $100 absolutely free, so hurry and sign up!    

The course kicks off on 18 February 2019! I will only be running it 4 times this year so book your spot now!

Still have questions?

I get it! This a big investment and you want to make sure its right for you, drop me an email and let me know if there is anything else I can help with


I will only be running this course four times this year! Class is in session 18 February, Sign up today! 


50% Complete

Two Step

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